Clearly, it doesn't show the entire Nancy Brinker part from the beginning, but it shows enough, and I heard enough from her yesterday on the radio, to know that I truly don't want to hear anymore from her today.
The push back was big enough that they are dialing back the story, their reasoning for halting the Planned Parenthood funding, and their definition of "political."
Let me summarize my feelings about this, feelings that have been shared all over the World Wide Web, and that is that poor women in America get screwed every day. And it infuriates me. Super uber wealthy Nancy B. can back pedal all she wants, but she makes my skin crawl.
Meantime, if you missed it, fave political writer Sarah Jones tells is like it is when she looks deep into the decision making involved in this latest debacle.
So tell me, is the apology and revision of their policy enough? Or is there more dirty dancing around the corner? Not sure. What say you?