Is this the magic moment in Texas, April 17th, 2008 when the mythical big laughs and bigger contractions were about to become a big, fat fib in American political history? Is Perry's plane parked outside? Is Todd toting carry-ons to the curb? Or is she pulling our lariat? Because had it been me, my swollen piggies would have been propped up on Rick's custom interior suede seats and the flight attendant would have been serving me something medium-rare over Seattle.
lilly lily
7/1/2011 01:08:35 am
No pregnant sway back. Empathy belly padded front and fleshy back.
7/1/2011 01:11:26 am
Laura, you mention Rick Perry's private plane in this post in a context in which I tried diligently to confirm before I did the final edit of Paradigm Shift. Have you found something I was not able to verify? As just another reason not to believe the silly Wild Ride story, I had read somewhere several years ago that Rick Perry had offered Palin the free use of his private jet for the return journey of a "pregnant" woman back to Alaska. I lost exactly whatever source I had for that statement, so I had to wiffle-ball it a bit in the book. I SO much wanted this little detail to be true because since when has Sarah turned down a free private jet ride? I left this issue as an unconfirmed rumor in the book, but I would be ecstatic if it is true. Have you, or anyone else here, been able to confirm this little gem?
lilly lily
7/1/2011 01:20:51 am
I only recall a statement somewhere, purported to be by Gov. Perry that he had (chivalry isn't dead in Texas), offered her the state Jet, which the Palin couple graciously declined.
7/1/2011 01:24:02 am
So much is wrong here.
7/1/2011 03:08:14 am
What gets me is the shoes. Who wears heels when 8 months pregnant, especially when knowing you will be standing for a long period while giving a speech?
7/1/2011 03:14:22 am
Oh, come on, y'all. All those things don't apply to her. Please remember that she is the one chosen by Gawd to lead our nation to Jebus. Gawd wouldn't let her suffer through normal pregnancy issues. She was almost also surely impregnated by the holy ghost also, too.
7/1/2011 03:16:16 am
She sure shrunk down from how big she was in the Gusty photos.
7/1/2011 03:18:12 am
Very interesting! Especially that bulge in the back.
7/1/2011 03:21:10 am
@Olivia -she even writes letters for Gawd, dontcha know?
7/1/2011 03:21:33 am
I think she looks completely pregnant here. But it doesn't matter one whit to me, because I know that about 2 weeks earlier she had a flat belly, and about 2 weeks before that she had a square shaped thing under her top, and about 2 weeks before that she had a flat belly, and when she announced her pregnancy she "simply does not look pregnant." Not to mention that in the days and weeks after the "delivery" she had no signs of a postpartum woman. So this particular pic, meh. The only pregnancy looking pic I've ever given a second look at is the one from Feb 08, with Todd, with scarf. But that too was an anomaly compared to entirely nonpregnant looking pix at the time.
The other jk
7/1/2011 03:22:02 am
When I was 8 months pregnant, I attended graduation for the university where I was teaching at the time. That meant full regalia and a lot of (ahem) pomp and circumstance. As part of the ceremony, everyone has to stand for a very long time.
7/1/2011 03:41:04 am
Picture was taken in Feb. 2008.
7/1/2011 03:50:34 am
Laura - Sarah wore pants for her speech in Dallas. I believe this photo is from a speech she gave to the Hoover Institution Board of Overseers at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC on Feb. 26.
7/1/2011 03:52:07 am
Why would Bristol need a physical early in 2007? This is from the released emails.
7/1/2011 03:57:23 am
Thanks for correcting me. Yet, she looks SO LARGE for someone who was not yet publicly pregnant. THIS bulk is what she was able to hide? THIS is what the reporters and co-workers didn't see?
7/1/2011 04:02:14 am
Allie, RN, has some great new comments/info on previous thread. Don't forget to hop on back over there if you can. Unless of course you are very pregnant and can't hop or run up hill.
7/1/2011 04:05:21 am
@ Molly
7/1/2011 04:08:51 am
There is a video of Sarah giving a speech at Alaska's Republican Convention on March 14, 2008.
7/1/2011 04:27:23 am
It's kind of hard to tell where she ends and the black lectern begins. If this is February, then she's just wearing her usual maternity black coat and scarf and the angle makes her mid-section look huge.
7/1/2011 04:43:55 am
I've been following this blog for awhile and it occurred to me that all of this speculation, as thoughtful and logical as it is, is somewhat analogous to the parable of the blind men describing an elephant. What is needed to finally expose the truth about this sick woman is a piece of uncontested, verifiable evidence from an unimpeachable source. Perhaps some of the more well-connected posters could put together a dossier of what has been gathered and provide the information to a major media outlet. Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow and Laurence O'Donnell come to mind. Or maybe Bill O since he seems to have some disdain for $arah Payme!
7/1/2011 04:45:09 am
Sarah looked fairly slim at the NGA in Washington DC on February 25, 2008.
7/1/2011 04:51:26 am
7/1/2011 04:53:00 am
7/1/2011 04:55:51 am
silver - That pic is the same day - same outfit - as the front view photo of her with Parnell that shows a flat belly. I suspect she wore some type of fleece vest or shirt as an undergarment. I also think she gave away her trick when she added a new twist to the 'heroic pregnancy' speech on Sept 14 2010 in Waco Texas:
7/1/2011 04:56:53 am
The flip side of your parable, mitch, is,
7/1/2011 05:00:36 am
So on 22 April 2088, three days after giving birth to a special needs child in fragile health, she goes to give a speech to some middle school honor society inductees? Really?
7/1/2011 05:02:09 am
Floyd and Karen - I also tried to find the source for Perry's offer of his jet awhile back and came up empty. I think I first read about the private jet offer when Sarah made an appearance in Texas for Perry's 2010 campaign.
7/1/2011 05:10:20 am
Leaking amniotic fluid and having contractions as a keynote speaker? Any woman in her right mind would not risk having amniotic fluid running down her leg at a professional conference while serving as the keynote speaker. And as I recall contractions, they contorted my face in pain, and I stopped dead in my tracks. Sarah, of course, could let a waterfall drop from her uterus while experiencing gut wrenching contractions and not even worry about a grimace crossing her face. COMPLETE AND UTTER BS!
7/1/2011 05:24:52 am
Th photo with all the governors was taken 1 day before the photo posted of her giving a speech (Feb 26, 2008). It is important to note that her jacket is actually zipped in the photo with the other governors.
7/1/2011 05:37:45 am
So then why does she have no baby bump when she is not in layers and layers of clothing? When was it that she was wearing a pair of jeans with her body guards and they never noticed she was pregnant? I believe she was also pretty far along there too.
7/1/2011 05:41:52 am
@Phyllis. Thanks, I wasn't aware of that.
7/1/2011 05:50:50 am
All kinds of people lie for personal gain:
lilly lily
7/1/2011 06:12:05 am
I recall her security guard, a experienced officer saying he had no idea that Palin was pregnant, though Palin was wearing tight jeans on that trip. His wife was astonished that he didn't notice a pregnacy.
7/1/2011 06:50:50 am
The bulge in her back area kind of starts between the shoulder blades and goes down over her posterior. (This would approximate the length I think of a maternity suit.) Also the back of the skirt is higher up than the front -possibly indicating a bulky undergarment lifting the skirt in the rear. I have always wondered if the front padding of a maternity suit is adjustable(i.e. removable) because it might be easier to ship/transport it etc.
7/1/2011 06:56:16 am
Let's take a look at the travel schedule for March 13 - 17, 2008:
7/1/2011 07:14:30 am
anonfornow wrote above:
7/1/2011 07:55:19 am
Mhurka - She may have bulked up a bit but she couldn't have been wearing a maternity suit. Look at Laura's post with Brad Scharlott discussing the March 14 photo which shows a flat belly.
7/1/2011 08:19:27 am
curiouser-She might have been wearing the maternity suit with the front padding removed -that is if the padding was removable or adjustable but I don't know if it was.
7/1/2011 08:20:34 am last post doesn't make sense since the photo above isn't March 14.
7/1/2011 08:33:51 am
Schedule from 4/14/08 - 4/26/08:
7/1/2011 11:25:13 am
Laura, I've been waiting for you to append an update to this post, stating that the above photo was taken at the Hoover Institution in February 2008 and not at the Republican Governors convention the following April. I'm totally "on your page" as the saying goes, but facts are facts.
Julia Brown
7/1/2011 11:44:03 am
I think that the explanation for her pregnancy appearance here is nothing more than the angle of the camera - behind her - and the fact that the jacket is hanging open.
7/1/2011 12:18:22 pm
Notafaux, the correction was in my comment and those ahead of me. Anyone who reads them can see that people are commenting based on that. The points aren't being made about April. At least that seemed clear to me.
Who Knows?
7/1/2011 12:33:02 pm
ArcXIX did a follow-up post the Daily KOS on August 31, 2008. It might be worth perusing again or maybe the comments will hold a new clue to this almost three year old nightmare.
7/1/2011 12:48:13 pm
7/1/2011 12:55:24 pm
@Laura. Thanks for the clarification. I did, in fact, read your earlier comment--something I do assiduously as a writer/editor (published but now retired)--so my apologies for not picking up on that subtext in subsequent reader comments.
Who Knows?
7/1/2011 12:59:42 pm
Here's an interesting coincidence -- a comment by Joe McGinniss, Jr. on the ArcXIX Daily Kos blogpost.
7/1/2011 01:13:47 pm
That Arc XIX link is a treasure trove. @Laura. You asked about a ring on Bristol. In the comments to Arc XIX link, several people mention a ring on Bristol (on her ring finger) in this photo:
molly malone
7/1/2011 01:14:04 pm
@ Julia,
7/1/2011 01:16:20 pm
yep. the ring is there. on Bristol's ring finger. (link above)
7/1/2011 01:17:58 pm
@Julia Brown
betsy s
7/1/2011 02:29:42 pm
Does that explain Trig PAXSON Van Halen Palin?
7/1/2011 02:40:51 pm
Here's the YouTube of Palin at the Dallas conference on Mar 17, 2008. The next link is some screengrabs, lightened. Can't see much except that she's smaller than the Gusty pix.
7/1/2011 02:41:21 pm
This video includes a clip of Palin on 4/17/08 at the RGA. She looks awfully calm for someone leaking fluid while presenting at a professional meeting, never mind the part about the contractions.
7/1/2011 02:56:55 pm
still awaiting the PD. A ring! They were married. They had to be.
7/1/2011 03:00:13 pm
@ Betsy S,
7/1/2011 03:16:30 pm
I know that Palin had a good chance at getting the VP slot early on - she made it to the short list - but I thought McCain only picked her officially much later? The stories talk about how he wanted Lieberman (a former Democrat, and not a reliable one) and Rove wanted someone else and McCain finally went, OK, then, Palin! And then, later, the McCain campaign became horrified by someone who couldn't handle the gentlest interviewer of them all.
7/1/2011 03:29:41 pm
Hi Up, LOL -- what are the odds?!
7/1/2011 03:43:10 pm
Banyan - I've heard Paxson's name before and never gave it any thought. You present an interesting scenario. But why bring up Gary Wheeler, Palin's security chief? I thought he was one of the good guys.
7/1/2011 03:47:14 pm
I just read that Gary Wheeler said that Palin changed into jeans on that trip to DC, and that she DID NOT look pregnant.
Who Knows?
7/1/2011 05:02:11 pm
This video is new to me - dated March 14, 2008. See the 2:40 mark for a good shot of a "seven months pregnant" Palin.
Who Knows?
7/1/2011 05:59:03 pm
Here's a clear pic of the ring Bristol was wearing in Ohio on August 29, 2008.
7/1/2011 06:55:54 pm
@Who Knows, I saw another good picture of the ring during the week (can't find the link right now, however it definitely was an RNC pic). It looked like an engagement ring. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bought rather hastily, solely to reaffirm that the couple were engaged.
7/1/2011 08:50:56 pm
I find it interesting that in the footage posted by Who Knows? of 3-14-08, that Sarah's back is bigger than her front. She has more back boob than front boob. Not my experience in 4 pregnancies.
7/1/2011 09:22:50 pm
Banyan, that is GREAT WORK. I have seen the Paxson => Bill Paxson connection made but never a rationale laid out for why… and McCain's affair could very well be it!! I never did understand why more wasn't made of that dalliance.
7/1/2011 09:25:09 pm
The pieces are starting to come together, and it only makes the whole thing all that much more disgusting and treasonous.
7/1/2011 09:30:59 pm
ooops! Not Bill, but Bud (Paxson).
7/1/2011 09:49:12 pm
Wow, I hadn't made the Paxson connection either. Of course it could be coincidence, but....things like that make you go hmmm.
7/1/2011 10:35:20 pm
I believe you have found the person (Bud Paxson) Chuck Heath inferred to when he said Sarah Palin doesn't call the shots. With all the other anti gay marriage and anti abortion laws being dumped out like bs from a livestock show, we can see the plan clearly!
7/1/2011 10:53:10 pm
I have long beleived that Tri-Gs name has been a narrative..there is a part of me that even believes Bud Paxson helped in securing a Tri-g or two for Sarah to use. Sorry if this is redundant as I have posted it a bit over the years.
7/1/2011 11:09:16 pm
Interesting article here and look at the date it was written.
7/1/2011 11:23:22 pm
As far as I know, Banyan is correct about the details of the Bud Paxson story. I have always thought that the beginning of the fake pregnancy the day after McCain's nomination was anything but coincidence, and yes, the Bud Paxson connection has been around a while.
7/1/2011 11:34:33 pm
I wonder whether there was a little bit of blackmail going on?
7/1/2011 11:52:40 pm
I have the answer as to why Queeny's back is bigger than her front. She put the empathy belly on backwards. Maybe Toad helped dress her. We all know she just can't dress herself or comb her hair without help. :-)
7/1/2011 11:55:17 pm
In my previous posts, I surmised that any possible prosecution of SP would turn around two issues; motive, and advantages accrued, and the link between the two. (After proof of deception, which is not treated here.)
7/2/2011 12:03:00 am
copying a comment from Bobcat Logic made on Laura's For What's it's Worth post on Tue, 24 May 2011 14:36:10
7/2/2011 01:01:50 am
Fabulous comments; great open thread.
7/2/2011 01:24:24 am
Laura, I do not think Ruffles has DS, but I do not think it is out of the question, either. I researched the likelihood of twins, one with DS or both with DS, some time ago, and the results were much as you would expect. The chance of twins born with DS is very small, with a much higher probability of a single DS twin. However, I generally do not think twins are involved in the scam in the first place. I think first there was Ruffles, then Round Ear Trig, then Tripp, and then (possibly) a second Batwing Trig, or as some of my readers prefer, Elfie. As I have communicated to Charlie, yes, I think some sort of Ruffles Is Tripp theory is generally my second choice of likelihood, but the big thing that blocks this viability every time I examine it is Tripp's big television debut. He is just too young in that video to be Ruffles. If you want to bring in the concept of borrowed or acquired babies with this scenario, then you are right back where we started with at least three babies involved. As Charlie has said, it is mostly the KISS Principle that brings up the Ruffles Is Tripp theory because the simpler solution would be only the two babies of whom we are publicly familiar, but go watch Tripp's debut again. How could that baby be Ruffles?
7/2/2011 01:30:53 am
I agree with you that the ear thing is a real problem with this story. Just yesterday, I was looking at the photos on you Picassa that you so nicely provided, and it amazes me how many ear changes Trig has shown or gone through!
7/2/2011 01:57:44 am
7/2/2011 03:12:25 am
Nota problem, notafaux (love your name).
Who Knows?
7/2/2011 03:26:35 am
Anybody ever find a connection between Andrea Gusty and the Palins?
Who Knows?
7/2/2011 03:34:26 am
I wish there was some way to edit our posts!
7/2/2011 04:13:20 am
katzkids-Actually putting on the maternity costume backwards almost makes sense because the belly pad would explain the large posterior and consequent lifting up of the rear portion of the skirt and the breast cups would definitely result in some bulging seen in the upper back.
7/2/2011 05:02:40 am
There was discussion years ago, I forget which blog it as, about photos that show a "pregnant" Palin looking like a linebacker. I remember people theorizing that, in an early hapless effort to look pregnant she simply put on a bunch of bulky sweaters.
7/2/2011 07:42:18 am
@ Lydia
7/2/2011 09:09:11 am
Yes, I see that Bobcat Logic had been thinking along the same lines. Just means that we have even more great thinkers!
7/2/2011 03:01:07 pm
To Viola-Alex @ 20:13.47 Yes, Bristol is wearing a ring, and it looks like it has a stone... equals wedding ring! This is a very large photo - it's EZ to see the ring
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