When people comment on the incredible shape-shifting, one-month-miracle pregnancy of Sarah Palin, they often allude to the various video clips of her being interviewed by Newsweek magazine. The interview was conducted on March 4, 2008 in Los Angeles, and next to Mrs. Palin is then-governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano.
This link will take you the most interesting clip, where Mrs. Palin talks about “huntin’ and fishin’” and her big family. The interviewer at one point interjects: “And you have four?” meaning, children. And Palin replies, “I have a bunch of kids” before rapidly changing the subject. Was this because she wasn’t sure how many she would have in the following days, or because she wasn’t yet prepared to tell the world about a fifth? “A bunch of kids.” How maternal.
It’s not just that Palin was supposedly 7 months pregnant during this interview. It’s her behavior, posture, and her stunning announcement the next day that still mystify, dumbfound and disturb so many followers of this fairy tale.
Brad Scharlott, correct me if I am wrong, but the lady doth lean over a lot and doth have crosseth-legs-eth?
BS: Unquestionably-eth. Here we see a screen capture (lightened a bit to show detail) from that March 4 interview with Newsweek:
LN: What an amazing woman.
BS: Amazing indeed. How late into your own pregnancy, Laura, could you comfortably assume that position and hold it several minutes?
LN: Are you kidding? I still can’t, and my baby’s now 16 and rides a BMX bike.
BS: As you noted, Laura, this interview took place on March 4, which was Super Tuesday, the day McCain wrapped up the Republican nomination. And it was also one day before Palin announced that she was seven months pregnant. So, at this point, if a hoax had been planned but not yet started, Palin perhaps was not yet very mindful of how a seven months pregnant woman should sit.
LN: Yes, but she already had her disguise on – big scarf, black dress. So maybe she really was pregnant and a miracle of biomedical engineering. Or, that was just a serious suit for sitting next to the future head of Homeland Security.
BS: Or maybe she’s planning on being an undertaker. In any event, even though that black jacket she has on clearly has padded shoulders, they do not make the shoulders of her physique look unnaturally large, just well-proportioned. And seeing that made me think of how in some later pictures, her shoulders do look quite large. With that in mind, I put together the following montage:
Does anything strike you as noteworthy about these photos, Laura?
LN: Well, clearly in the second set of photos, she is wearing the same jacket, but it’s different from the first. Notice the cuffs. But the jacket also sports massively large shoulder pads. The kind we all threw out when 1989 was over. But there is a correlation between big shoulders/big belly. Maybe she just needed a big jacket to cover her girth?
BS: I’m inclined to think it’s the same jacket throughout, and that she simply turned up the cuffs to make sure her now very large belly bump is not obscured by the sleeves. Perhaps your eagle-eyed readers can weigh in on that question.
But I agree that something got a lot bigger. Look how wide she appears in the bottom two photos. Either she had a phenomenal growth spurt from April 8 to April 13 or she’s wearing something very large under that jacket … something much larger, it would seem, than the apparent square pillow we discussed recently. In addition, something about the “very pregnant” Palin pictures does not seem quite right. Consider the following:
LN: All women carry in different ways. But I’d bet that Natalie Portman wasn’t miraculously “not pregnant” looking at 7 months. I mean, we all saw her at the Oscars. It was evident. You waddle, you sway, you lean back, and burp. I simply don’t know where a baby was scrunched during that Newsweek interview. Though a belly full of foam would have neatly folded and cooperated. Either way, Palin looks like she had to pee through the entire session.
Look, I am neither Palin’s family practitioner, who seems unable to speak, nor her friendly foam purveyor on Ebay. I’d be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on this pregnancy. Problem is, the immaculate maternity tale has more holes in it than my kitchen colander. I really think Mrs. Palin needs to refudiate the story for once and for all. By the time the Family Circus Vacation Paid With Political Money But Not A Campaign Bus progresses to Fanueil Hall, Palin should see this as a mandation of liberties to tell the truth about Trig. After all, she is campaigning “on the Constitution.” And stuff.