But PhD did agree to toss some tidbits my way. And while I hope this will become a semi-regular feature that will allow readers to pose questions of their own, I will begin with our brief discussion of a new buzz phrase: Situationally Acquired Narcissism. PhD writes me the following...
When we evaluate someone's "disorder" generally in the old days we'd start with exploring primary gain and identifying secondary gain
Once we determine what's in it for the patient then we look at history and begin to weave together a working hypothesis, and try on different psychopathologies.
Some people suggest that Palin is stupid. Perceived stupidity can ironically be confused with Narcissism. That self important, inflated sense of entitlement that operates within a vacuum surrounded by tunnel vision. The question is: Is this a fundamental core character disorder or is it situationally acquired. An important question since one involves severe psychopathology at the core-- suggesting early trauma and neglect among other things. Acquired along the way is a response to projected power and abuse thereof.
I think this speaks to acquired Narcissism. It encourages an honest assessment of who surrounds the narcissist and who feeds
Thank you, Phd, for getting us started on this line of inquiry. Here is some more to read about those afflicted with ASN.
If you'd like to comment or leave questions, I hope PhD will come back for more Crunch, er, Shrink Wrap Supreme. Like Doc, she's very busy, and I don't know how much I can ask of her. Or if you are or know someone in the field of psychology who'd like to toss out some more tidbits for us to digest, I'd welcome that.
I'd like to examine the role of families who enable mentally ill people; projection; lying; Borderline Personality Disorder; and other organic brain diseases. Hopefully, we can make this a regular feature.