Love this. Wonderful way to get the creative juices flowing after watching something like six straight hours of telly yesterday. I knew Eli would do it. There was something Shakespearean about his victory. Or perhaps it was just that Tom's Hail Mary pass simply didn't get caught. Wonder what The Bard would say about it all?
2/6/2012 02:05:57 am
What a lovely clip! Sooooo talented. Thanks, Laura. I spent the same 6 hrs reading up on Komen and PP. My conclusion: Brinker did a good job, AND she has human flaws. But I can respect her effort. Both K and PP are good organizations, although I'll give K a pass until we see what, if anything, they choose to fix. I like that she lied (on Andrea Mitchell interview) about Handler being responsible: Brinker put the responsibility with the Board, where it belongs, no matter what Handler was authorized/hired to do. K is headed by high-profile Repubs. Am Cancer Soc was founded by same: Mary Lasker. Nothing is perfect. But I sure can respect the change from the 1960s, when we could not say "breast" out loud and whispered "the Big C." K is part of that change, I have to give them that. Lots of lies, little and bigger, but I still see people trying to do good, unlike with the PalinBaby Hoax and all its dark implications. And as IM posits this AM, the whole drama actually is a favor, in exposing the strength pf PP support and that the pro-choice, anti-choice fervor should stay out of health care for rich AND for the 99%.
2/6/2012 02:47:36 am
. . . and that K should clean up a few things if they want best results with their mission.
2/6/2012 03:04:08 am
Here is an article for you to read. I think that Komen started out doing good, but perhaps the culture changed. It turned into more of a big money, corporate culture I am guessing.
2/6/2012 05:04:45 am
Good article, Jo. Thank you. I know that K is not interested in the bigger picture. I know they have been RW at the top all along, The pink stuff has zero appeal for me. And yes, just like for the school fund-raisers: spare me the cookie dough and gift-wrap packages, let me just write a check. My reading was focusssed on Brinker, who seemed sincere, AND a little self-promotional. They claim to have given away $1.5B, though. So even with high admin costs, that's a nice hunk of money. And my impression is that the grass-roots part of K is mostly well-meaning people trying to do good. If K is able to harvest this blizzard of criticism and make the right changes, I will be impressed. I don't think they will be able to.
2/6/2012 08:46:13 am
Laura --? We need you to clean things up here. I think it was my fault -- not paying attn or the cat or something. The sun spots. Yes: let's blame the sun storms. --help!
Laura Novak
2/6/2012 10:28:12 am
Clean up what, Ottoline? It's okay to bring another thread over here. I don't have a problem with that. People usually do look at the new posting anyway.
2/6/2012 11:41:45 am
Oh my: by "clean up" I meant three repetitions of my post and two of Jo's. I checked back a couple of times. But now magically gone. I guess Wm Buckley was right: machines CAN heal themselves. Sorry -- just forget I drove up. All clean now.
2/6/2012 10:59:48 am
According to the Huffington Post (2.02.12) Komen "...currently funds cancer research at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center to the tune of $7.5 million. Like Planned Parenthood, Penn State is currectly the subject of a federal government investigation, and like the Planned Parenthood grant, the Penn State grant appears to violate a new internal rule at Komen that bans grants to organizations that are under investigation by federal, state, or local government. But so far, only the Planned Parenthood grants appear to have been cancelled."
2/6/2012 12:04:28 pm
I think it was Banyan who alerted us yesterday to Ari Fleisher saying Brinker had consulted him earlier about how to get rid of PP. So they posted for the opening that Handler got, Fleisher interviewed at least some of the candidates re PP. The idea that Handler did what she was hired to do is the lesser evil. The greater evil is that Brinker wanted to dump PP, and she hired Handler to do it. The "under investigation" argument falls apart with Penn State, as you say; and the other "excellence in grants" argument is also thin. Because Fleisher spilled the beans that they had a plan, and any of a number of excuses could have been used (and are being used in the Monday morning quarterbacking).
2/6/2012 11:57:52 pm
Oh, look, Handler herself supports this: "Karen Handel . . . said the discussion started before she arrived at the organization and was approved at the highest levels of the charity." Comments are closed.
Laura NovakReporter, Author, Blogger, and Mother...